There are many different opportunities to serve:
1. Welcome Team: collaborates with the Coordinator of Fellowship in planning and implementing the new
parishioner Welcome Gatherings in various roles:
2. Sunday Coffee and Donuts:
3. Event Team: plans and implements opportunities for the OLPH community to encounter others in a welcoming
and supportive way through a variety of activities that speak to individual interests, passions, and comfort levels.
Friendly and creative individuals with a knack for being the “host or hostess with the mostest” are invited to become
a part of the Fellowship Team.
For more information, contact the Coordinator of Fellowship.
Parish Fellowship events provide opportunity for the OLPH community to encounter others in a welcoming and supportive way through activities that speak to individual interests, passions, and comfort levels.
Past events have included:
• Parish Picnic
• Chili Cook-off
• Photography by Tim Murphy with wine & cheese evenings
• Ice Cream Social
• Lazy Hazy Daze of Summer (Games, Cookies & Lemonade)
• “Hot August Night” Back to the 1970’s Karaoke Night
• Multi-cultural Event celebrating the cultural diversity of the OLPH community
• Old World Angel Painting Workshops with Lisa Fitzgibbons
• Trunk or Treat
• Epiphany Celebration
• Social Security 101 Workshops
• Lenten Fellowship
Men of OLPH
The Men of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is a group that meets monthly for Mass, social interaction, and service to the parish. The Men of OLPH has several funds that have been set up to provide benevolent support, scholarships, and support for Parish Ministries
2. Msgr. Maguire Scholarship Fund
3. Parish Ministries Fund
General Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month following the 8:30 AM Mass at 9 AM in Padre Kino Hall.
For more information, please contact Bob Delory, President, The Men of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at (480)353-6784.
Women's Sodality
Sodality Mission Statement
The mission of this organization shall be to foster its members with ardent devotion, reverence and filial love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary, to assist the parish community by doing charitable acts that will be witnessed to the that devotion and to defend the Catholic Church.
The Women’s Sodality meets on the second Saturday of each month.
Sodality Officers:
Prefect – Joan Luethe
Vice Prefect – MaryEllen Campanello
Secretary – Jen Donovan
Treasurer – Grace Lalicata
Membership – Judy Barnett
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.7 million members in more than 12,000 councils who have dedicated themselves to the ideals of: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882. The founder chose the name “Knights of Columbus” because he felt that, as a Catholic Group, it should relate to Christopher Columbus, the Catholic discoverer of America. The organization provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people.
Join the Knights of Columbus!
Contact Dan Kudulis, Membership Director
Magnify Young Adult Ministry
We want to build up the church with Young Adults to set the world on fire. We want to provide a place for people to be loved, belong, and create authentic friendships with other young adults. We want to build-create-develop a positive, loving community for OLPH and the community of Old Town Scottsdale.
After Mass or some time in Eucharistic Adoration, MAGNIFY Young Adults have the oppotunity to pray together and then head off to a favorite hangout for brunch and fellowship. What better way to spend a Saturday morning than with Jesus and great friends. Magnify will meet up and go to a brunch place nearby. Some weeks we might go out hiking before or Mass or a Holy Hour or a combination of all of the above.
MAGNIFY Young Adults meet every Thursday from 6:30-8pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Scottsdale. We meet In the Padre Kino Hall.