Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Office of Liturgy & Music
Funeral Song Suggestions
Jaime Cortez
Gathering Songs
Responsorial Psalms
Preparation of the Gifts
- 11-Be Not Afraid (B. Dufford)
- 13-You Are Near (D. Schutte)
- 15-Shelter Me, O God (B. Hurd)
- 16-Prayer of St. Francis (S. Temple)
- 17-Vengan A Mí Los Agobiados/Come To Me All Who Labor (J. Cortez) bilingual
Communion Hymns
- 18-One Bread, One Body (J. Foley)
- 19-I Am The Bread Of Life (S. Toolan)
- 20-Center of My Life (P. Inwood)
- 21-Gift of Finest Wheat (R. Kreutz)
- 22-Ubi Caritas (B. Hurd)
- 23-Miracle of Grace (C. Stephan)
- 24-Bread from Heaven/Pan del Cielo (I. Díaz) BILINGUAL
Final Commendation
(Song of Farewell) [always sung during blessing of the body or the ashes]
- 25-Song of Farewell/Canto de Despedida (J. Cortez) MAY BE SUNG BILINGUAL
Recessional Songs
- 26-I, The Lord (T. Kendzia)
- 27-I Know That My Redeemer Lives (S. Soper)
- 28-O Loving God (LONDONDERRY AIR)
- 29-Irish Blessing (B. Fabing SJ)
- 30- Go In Peace (S. Hart/D. Liles)
- 31-Amazing Grace
- 32-How Great Thou Art (S. K. Hine)
Additional songs-
NOTE: Choosing a song from this group will require a
substitution from one of the other groups.
- 33-Whatsoever You Do (W. Jabusch)
- 34-Stand By Me (T. Kendzia)
- 36-Rain Down (J. Cortez)
- 37-I Will Rest In You (F. Jansen/V. Jansen)
- 38-The Servant Song (R. Gillard)
- 39-Ave Maria (F. Schubert)
- 40-We Shall Rise Again (J. Young)New Paragraph