Ministry of Care
The ultimate effect of the Holy Eucharist is not only the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ for our spiritual nourishment, but the transformation of those who receive Holy Communion into “One Body, One Spirit in Christ”
Ministers of care have the opportunity to deliver Holy Communion to:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you enjoy Knitting or Crocheting? Join us First MONDAY of the month 9-11 am in the Pope Francis Conference Room in the Parish Life Center.
Babies and toddlers receive a Prayer Shawl on their baptism. The shawls also bring comfort and warmth to the sick and homebound.
Prayer Line Ministry
We have an anonymous line for people to leave their prayer requests.
Blood Drive
Our community hosts 3 Blood Drives a year(March, July, and October) with Vitalant. Providing live saving donations to many.
To schedule an appointment visit
Celtics in Mission
Celtics in Mission is the school outreach program, providing opportunities for service learning at each grade level.
Catholic Charities
Helps the community’s most vulnerable with solutions that permanently improve
lives. Their services include counseling, in-home services, education, helping the homeless, refugees, foster care and adoption, domestic violence and much more.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing and
healing individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. As important, SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion.
Walking with Moms in Need
Helping woman and families in crisis find the resources and assistance
they need.
Duet is a non-profit, interfaith organization offering free-of-charge compassionate help to homebound adults, caregivers, grandparents raising grandchildren and faith communities.